( The Development and Analysis of Conscious Machines ) |
Ordinal Machine Consciousness Scale
The ordinal machine consciousness (OMC) scale is a model of our subjective judgements about consciousness that makes predictions about what people would say about the consciousness of non-human systems based solely on their type I potential correlates of consciousness. The distinction between type I and type II potential correlates of consciousness is covered in Chapter 2, sections 2.5.6-2.5.8, and the OMC scale is described in detail in Chapter 4, Section 4.2.
To use the scale, select the factors that apply to the machine using the radio buttons and the OMC rating and position are displayed at the top of the page. The human brain has an OMC rating of 1 on this scale and the smaller the number, the less likely the machine is to be judged to be phenomenally conscious on the basis of its type I potential correlates of consciousness.
Version 0.6 of the OMC scale is available here. If the scale does not work correctly, check that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.
Java and JavaScript source files: omc_scale_v0.6.zip.