Workshop on Investigating Consciousness in Humans, Animals, and Artificial Systems, Ruhr-Universitat, Germany, June 2023 |
Invited talk on 'Seeing is Deceiving: Why Consciousness Cannot be Inferred from Behaviour in Animals and Artificial Systems'. [Slides] |
Department Seminar, University of Campinas, Brazil, October 2021 |
Invited talk on 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Consciousness'. [Slides] [Video] |
Panel Discussion on Black Mirror as Philosophy, Hawaii Con, September 2020 |
Invited to participate in a panel discussion about Black Mirror and Philosophy. [Video] |
Special Virtual Meeting on Creative Explorations in Artificial Intelligence, 2020 |
Invited talk on 'What is Artificial Intelligence?' [Slides]. |
COPPE Seminar, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019 |
Invited talk on 'Understanding and Modelling Consciousness' [Slides] [Video]. |
Workshop on Consciousness, Models and the Artificial, part of Creativity 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Invited keynote talk on 'Understanding and Modelling Consciousness'. |
COGS Seminar, University of Sussex, 2019 |
Invited talk on 'How can we Discover General Scientific Theories of Consciousness?'. |
Knowledge Lab Seminar, Birbeck, University of London, 2018 |
Invited talk on 'Generalizable Scientific Theories of Machine Consciousness'. |
SRI Workshops on Consciousness, 2017 |
Invited to participate in a series of workshops on consciousness that were held in the US and the UK. |
Headstrong Club, Lewes, 23rd September 2015 |
Invited talk on 'Can We Build a Conscious Machine?'. |
Special Symposium on Machine Consciousness, 10th Polish Philosophical Congress, Poznan, 18th September 2015 |
Invited talk on 'From Human to Machine Consciousness'. |
Cognitive Science Seminar, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1st March 2011 |
Invited talk on 'The Scientific Study of Human and Machine Consciousness'. |
Whitehead Lecture, Goldsmiths College, London, 4th December 2010 |
Invited talk on 'Perception, Causation and the Scientific Study of Human and Machine Consciousness'. |
BICS 2010, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, 15th July 2010 |
Invited keynote speaker. Gave a talk on 'Developing and Debugging Conscious Machines'. |
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics, University of Reading, UK, 27th April 2010 |
Invited tutorial with Igor Aleksander on 'Informational Measures of Consciousness'. |
Bath AI Seminar Series, University of Bath, 19th November 2009 |
Invited talk on 'The Development and Analysis of Conscious Machines'. |
NeuPhi Neurophilosophy Group, University of Boston, 29th October 2009 |
Invited talk on 'The Science of Human and Machine Consciousness'. |
The Philosopher's Rally, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 12-13th May 2009 |
Invited keynote speaker. |
Department of Philosophy, University of Essex, 4th December 2008 |
Invited talk on 'Machine Consciousness'. |
Nokia Workshop on Machine Consciousness, Helsinki, 21-22 August 2008 |
Invited paper on 'A Systematic Approach to Synthetic Phenomenology'. |
Panel on 'The Limits of Knowledge', ICA, London, 19th June 2007 |
Invited to participate in a panel with Hilary Lawson, Emma Kay, Stuart Sim and Mark Vernon. |
Trondheim Matchmaking Festival, Trondheim, 2006 |
Invited talk on 'Machine Consciousness'. |
Borderlines, Forum for European Philosophy, London, 2005 |
Invited to participate in a panel with Hilary Lawson and Julie Kuhlken that introduced the book What Philosophy Is. |
Kinds of Intelligence 2, Cambridge, UK, September 2021 |
Talk on 'A Universal Measure of Intelligence based on Prediction'. [Slides] [Video] |
Mancept Workshop on 'Governing Artificial Intelligence', University of Manchester, September 2021 |
Paper on 'Using Universal Measures of Intelligence to Govern Artificial Intelligence'. [Paper]. |
Artificial Intelligence Seminar, Middlesex University, February 2020 |
Talk on 'Prediction and Intelligence'. [Slides]. |
AAAI Spring Symposium on 'Towards Conscious AI Systems', Stanford, USA, March 2019 |
Talk on 'Four Preconditions for Solving MC4 Machine Consciousness'. [Slides]. |
CenSAMM Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Apocalypse, Bedford, April 2018 |
Talk on 'Machine Consciousness and the AI Apocalypse'. [Slides] [Video]. |
Theory of Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ToCAI) seminar, Middlesex University, March 2016 |
Talk on 'The Science of Consciousness and Scientific Theories about the Brain'. |
Computability in Europe (CiE), Bucharest, July 2015 |
Talk on 'Are Computations Objectively Present in the Physical World?'. |
Turing Centenary Research Project, 3rd Workshop on Mind, Mechanism and Mathematics, CiE, Bucharest, June 2015 |
Talk on 'How can we Scientifically Study Consciousness?'. |
Work in Progress Seminar, University of Sussex, May 2015 |
Talk on 'How can we Scientifically Study Consciousness?'. |
Turing Centenary Research Project: 2nd Workshop, Columbia University, New York, May 2014 |
Talk on 'Computation, Information and the Correlates of Consciousness'. |
The 21st Century Body Reloaded Symposium, UCL, London, November 2013 |
Talk on 'Modification and Enhancement of Consciousness'. |
Wiston House Consciousness Retreat, Sussex, UK, September 2013 |
Talk on 'A Computational Approach to the Discovery of the Correlates of Consciousness'. |
Computability in Europe (CiE), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, July 2013 |
Talk on 'Are there Computational Correlates of Consciousness in the Brain?'. |
Workshop on Mind, Mechanism and Mathematics, Computability in Europe (CiE), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, June 2013 |
Talk on 'Mathematically-defined Ontologies and the Correlates of Consciousness'. |
AISB Emergence of Consciousness Workshop, St Mary's University College, London, May 2013 |
Talk on 'The Emergence of the Concept of Consciousness'. |
Fifth Philosophy of Information Workshop, University of Hertfordshire, March 2013 |
Talk on 'Are Information or Data Patterns Correlated with Consciousness?'. |
Sackler Centre Seminar, University of Sussex, 22nd August 2012 |
Talk on 'Philosophical and Experimental Approaches to the Scientific Study of Consciousness'. |
CogSys 2012, Vienna, Austria, February 2012 |
Poster with Z. Fountas, M. Shanahan and A.K. Fidjeland on 'A Cognitive System with a Neurally-Implemented Global Workspace'. |
Philosophy Now Radio Show, UK, February 2012 |
Participated in a Philosophy Now Radio Show panel on posthumanism and transhumanism. |
AI-2011, Cambridge, UK, December 2011 |
Participated in demonstration and panel as part of special session on 'Alan Turing and the Turing Test for Machine Intelligence'. |
Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden, 1st May 2011 |
Presented a half day workshop with Ron Chrisley on 'From Neural Correlates to Falsifiable Predictions: How Consciousness Research can become more Scientific'. |
Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden, 4th May 2011 |
Presented a paper on 'Reporting Conscious States: A Neuro-phenomenological Analysis'. |
EU Cognition II Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece |
Presented a poster with Andreas Fidjeland, David Gamez, Edgars Lazdins and Murray Shanahan on 'NeMo, SpikeStream, iSpike:Three Tools for Biologically-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks and Robotics'. |
AISB Symposium on Machine Consciousness, York, UK, 7th April 2011 |
Presented a paper on 'Information Integration, Data Integration and Machine Consciousness'. |
International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Robots, Nantes, France |
Poster with Andreas Fidjeland, David Gamez, Edgars Lazdins and Murray Shanahan on 'iSpike: A Spiking Neural Interface for the iCub Robot'. |
ASSC 14, Toronto, Canada, 24th June 2010 |
Gave a tutorial with Igor Aleksander on 'Informational Measures of Consciousness'. |
ASSC 14, Toronto, Canada, 25th June 2010 |
Presented a paper with Igor Aleksander on 'A Critique and Extension of Consciousness as Integrated Information'. |
AAAI Fall Symposium on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Washington, 6th November 2009 |
Presented a paper on 'Taking a Mental Stance Towards Artificial Systems'. |
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'07), Porto, 2007 |
Presented a paper on 'SpikeStream: A Fast and Flexible Simulator of Spiking Neural Networks'. |
NeuroIT Summer School, Delmenhorst, 2007 |
Presented a poster on 'Conscious Systems for SIMNOS'. |
BSPS Annual Conference 2007 |
Presented a paper on 'Science and Self-reflexivity'. |
PPNB, Bristol, 2007 |
Presented a paper on 'Analysing Artificial Systems for Consciousness'. |
IEEE Conference on Advances in Cybernetics Systems, Sheffield Hallam University, 2006 |
Presented a paper on 'Two Simulation Tools for Biologically Inspired Virtual Robotics'. |
AISB 2006, University of Bristol |
Presented a paper on 'The XML Approach to Synthetic Phenomenology'. |
McDonnell Workshop: Neurophilosophy: The State of the Art, 2005 |
Presented a paper with Owen Holland on 'An Anthropomimetic Robot Platform for Consciousness Research'. |
AISB 2005, University of Hertfordshire |
Presented a paper on 'An Ordinal Probability Scale for Synthetic Phenomenology'. |
Applied Vision Association Annual Meeting, University of Bristol, 2005 |
Poster with Iain Gilchrist, Owen Holland, Rob Knight, Tom Troscianko and Ben Vincent on 'A biomimetic research platform for active vision research'. |
MMM-ACNS Workshop, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003 |
Presented a paper on 'Safeguarding SCADA systems with anomaly detection'. |
SEP 6th Annual Conference, University of Essex, 2003 |
Presented a paper on 'Pax Americana'. |
Philosophy As Conference, The Philosophy Programme, University of London, 2002 |
I co-organized this conference and presented a paper on 'Philosophy as an entertaining as structure'. |
10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modelling and Analysis, Monterrey, California, 2002 |
Presented a paper on 'An architecture for anomaly detection in large complex critical infrastructures'. |
SEP 5th Annual Conference, University College, Cork, 2002 |
Presented a paper on 'Alienation ends with the modern subject'. |